What You Need to Know Before Horse Trail Riding
February 28, 2023

Horse trail riding is a fun way to enjoy the outdoors and get a little exercise, and it’s also a great way to bond with your horse. However, like everything else in life, risks are involved, so you must take care when planning your trip and when you’re on the trail. Below are some things that will help you stay safe while horseback riding:

Are Trail Riding and Horseback Riding the Same Thing?

Trail riding is a form of horseback riding that focuses on traveling to remote locations and enjoying the natural surroundings. It’s more about the experience than getting from Point A to Point B as quickly as possible. Trail riders typically look for a slower pace and are happy to take in their surroundings, which often include streams, mountains, forests, and other scenic sights along the way.

What Can I Expect During My First Trail Ride?

Every horse trail ride is different, but here are some things you can expect:

    • You will ride a horse trained to be safe and comfortable on the trail.
    • Your guide will lead the way and help you stay safe.
    • You may get tired during your ride. If this happens, ask your guide or driver to stop so you can rest for a little while in the shade or at another spot along the path where plenty of fresh water is available. Don’t worry about wearing yourself out before reaching your destination; each horse is perfectly trained for its job, so it won’t tire quickly.

Do I Need Special Clothing for Trail Riding?

Trail riding is all about the right equipment, including the right attire. You need the following clothes for better and more safe riding:

    • Wear a jacket. Depending on the current season and terrain, you may need to wear a coat or jacket to keep you warm.
    • Wear long pants. They help keep you warm in chilly weather and protect your legs from brush and splinters in rough terrain.
    • Wear boots with ankle support. A good pair should be sturdy enough to withstand rugged conditions but not so heavy that they tire your feet during a long riding day. 
    • Wear a hat and sunscreen, and bring along extra supplies if necessary! Sunburns can be painful and dangerous for horses, too.

How Long Is the Typical Trail Ride?

This answer differs for each individual and depends on your particular wants and needs. If you want to go on a short ride that lasts an hour or two, then plenty of options are available. However, if you’re looking for something more challenging and longer-lasting, we recommend booking our minimum 3-hour trail ride with lunch. This way, you can enjoy yourself highly without worrying about getting lost in the mountains or spending too much time away from work.

Can Adults Do Trail Rides Too?

As long as you’re at least 12 years old, there’s no reason why you can’t take a trail ride on your own. However, if you’re an adult and want to ride alone with a horse, there are some special rules to follow.

    • Trail riding with an experienced guide is allowed for people 18 or older.
    • If you want to make the trail walking on your own with only one or two other people in your group, it’s possible as long as each person is at least 18 years old and has had enough experience handling horses.


Horse trail riding is a fantastic way to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air. It can be a wonderful escape from daily life, but it can also be dangerous if you’re not careful. If you’re considering taking up horse trail riding as a hobby or even a profession, this article has given you some things to remember before getting started.